Libertà! Mozart & the opera


1. Air Aspri Rimorsi

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About Album

Between Die Entführung aus dem Serail and the advent of the famous ‘Da Ponte trilogy’, Mozart threw himself frantically into the search for the right libretto, capable of taking the spectator to lands still unexplored where the drama and the psychology of the characters would be sublimated by the music. Hence, in the years between 1782 and 1786, he set up a veritable laboratory for dramatic music: a musical corpus of concert arias, sketches, and stylistic exercises like the canon – here brilliantly organised as an imaginary dramma giocoso in three scenes, each heralding in its own way one of the summits to come: Figaro, Don Giovanni, Così.

Artist: Pygmalion Raphaël Pichon

Label: Harmonia Mundi

Release Date: August 30, 2019

People: Pygmalion, Raphaël Pichon, Sabine Devieilhe (soprano), Siobhan Stagg (soprano), Serena Malfi (mezzo), Linard Vrielink (tenor), John Chest (baritone), Nahuel Di Pierro (bass)

Catalogue No: HMM90263839

Available Lyrics

Album Reviews

 Mais c’est peut-être Nahuel Di Pierro qui produit la plus forte impression, avec le bel air de concert « Così dunque tradisci… Aspri rimorsi atroci », l’amusant « Ogni momento dicon le donne » de L’oca del Cairo, et la majesté terrible qu’il confère aux extraits de Thamos. But it’s probably Nahuel Di Pierro the one who impress the most with the beautiful concert aria « Così dunque tradisci… Aspri rimorsi atroci », the funny « Ogni momento dicon le donne » de L’oca del Cairo, and the dark and terrible majesty he gives in Thamos aria. 

Laurent Bury la prestation de Nahuel Di Pierro, basse dont la présence, l’assise et l’engagement retiennent durablement l’attention. ...and the performance of Nahuel Di Pierro, whose presence, seating and commitment retain lasting attention. 

Jean Christophe Pucek

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